Songbirds and pollinators are the winners when people build nesting boxes!
Many species of native songbirds are in decline in Canada, and providing nesting sites is one way that people can help maintain populations of these important creatures.
Wild bees are vital pollinators - without them, a great many plants can not produce seed - but are in decline in many areas.
This year, Wardens build birdhouses suitable for chickadees, nuthatches, wrens, swallows and bluebirds, and bee blocks that wild leafcutter bees can use as nest chambers.
The nest boxes were installed in Lions Park and at the Alcott Creek Demonstration Forest. Wardens will be able to observe their handiwork in use as the nesting season progresses.
Many thanks to Home Hardware for supplying materials, and to John Mielke and Louis Hebert (Hebert's Woodworking) for their invaluable assistance.
A valuable reference book is the NatureScape Alberta manual, edited by Myrna Pearman & Ted Pike of the Ellis Bird Farm
More information on pollinators can be found at:
U of Calgary
Environment Canada
Pollination Canada