Sunday, November 23, 2014

Resources and Ideas from Nature Sask

Here are some tidbits from the pages of the latest edition of Nature Saskatchewan's quarterly newsletter NatureViews (copies will be available to club members soon)

Past President Donna Bruce was in Scotland this summer visiting a nature reserve inspired by author Sir John Philip Lister-Kaye.  The Aigas Field Centre works hard at restoring natural habitat and wildlife in the Highlands.  There are many parallels to Saskatchewan, and much inspiration to be found there.  (How about a club field trip?

Dean Cattell, Conservation Director, is a Pierceland resident and a good friend of JFW.  He recommends that we become familiar with the new Environment Code, recently published by Saskatchewan Environment:
A quote shared by Dean: "A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community.  It is wrong when it tends otherwise." - Aldo Leopold

The 2015 Spring Meet is June 19-21 in Saltcoats.   It sure would be great to send a Meadow Lake JFW delegate!

A Winter Birding Contest runs Dec 1 - Feb 28.  This is a bird watching activity accessible to everyone.  Contact for more information.

Christmas Gift Idea!  Saskatchewan Birds 2015 is a beautiful calendar, and proceeds support the work of Nature Sask   Available from   ($20 ea plus postage)

Citizen Science!   Participate in various projects that are enjoyable learning experiences and benefit science and conservation efforts.   Some possibilities:

A must-see
Have you heard the phrase, "Canary in a coal mine"?  In days gone by, miners would take a caged bird underground with them.  A dead "canary" would warn the miners that conditions were quickly becoming hostile to life.   Well, think of the world as one big coal mine, and Watch This Video!   Visit the website too.  The implications are stunning.

Then, have a look at the video on this website:   How many birds on this list do you recognize?

How many ways can you think of that climate change is affecting birds and other wildlife?   Perhaps more than you might realize - read more here!

Did you know - wildlife populations are in trouble worldwide.  Read this recent report, summarizing 30 years of research:

Nature Saskatchewan has a new video out - have a look.

Consider buying your family a NS membership - it's a great Christmas present!

The Woodlanders Junior Forest Wardens are Nature Saskatchewan's affiliated club in Meadow Lake.   Nature Sask is the provincial natural history society, and a strong voice for conservation and education.